- OSR-WMC-ZZ-GF-DR-C-3050 Road Surfacing Layout.pdf (7.54 Mb)
- OSR-WMC-ZZ-GF-DR-C-3100 Road General Arrangement.pdf (1.78 Mb)
- OSR-WMC-ZZ-GF-DR-C-3101 Road Layout and Levels Sheet 1 of 2.pdf (1.39 Mb)
- OSR-WMC-ZZ-GF-DR-C-3102 Road Layout and Levels Sheet 2 of 2.pdf (1.5 Mb)
- OSR-WMC-ZZ-GF-DR-C-3103 Junction Visibility & Swept Path Analysis Sheet 1 of 2.pdf (1.48 Mb)
- OSR-WMC-ZZ-GF-DR-C-3104 Junction Visibility & Swept Path Analysis Sheet 2 of 2.pdf (1.59 Mb)
- OSR-WMC-ZZ-GF-DR-C-3105 Road Construction Details.pdf (483.2 Kb)
- OSR-WMC-ZZ-GF-DR-C-3106 Road Longitudinal Sections.pdf (297.69 Kb)
- OSR-WMC-ZZ-GF-DR-C-3200 Drainage General Arrangement.pdf (2.3 Mb)
- OSR-WMC-ZZ-GF-DR-C-3201 Drainage Layouts Sheet 1 of 2.pdf (1.71 Mb)
- OSR-WMC-ZZ-GF-DR-C-3202 Drainage Layouts Sheet 2 of 2.pdf (1.8 Mb)
- OSR-WMC-ZZ-GF-DR-C-3220 Stormwater Drainage Construction Details.pdf (510.55 Kb)
- OSR-WMC-ZZ-GF-DR-C-3222 Public Foul Water Drainage Construction Details.pdf (877.62 Kb)
- OSR-WMC-ZZ-GF-DR-C-3223 Private Drainage Construction Details.pdf (839.28 Kb)
- OSR-WMC-ZZ-GF-DR-C-3225 Wastewater Long Sections Sheet 1 of 2.pdf (352.29 Kb)
- OSR-WMC-ZZ-GF-DR-C-3226 Wastewater Long Sections Sheet 2 of 2.pdf (187.45 Kb)
- OSR-WMC-ZZ-GF-DR-C-3300 Watermain Layout General Arrangement.pdf (1.77 Mb)
- OSR-WMC-ZZ-GF-DR-C-3301 Watermain Layout Sheet 1 of 2.pdf (1.43 Mb)
- OSR-WMC-ZZ-GF-DR-C-3302 Watermain Layout Sheet 2 of 2.pdf (1.54 Mb)
- OSR-WMC-ZZ-GF-DR-C-3321 Watermain Construction Details, Sheet 1 of 4.pdf (576.35 Kb)
- OSR-WMC-ZZ-GF-DR-C-3322 Watermain Construction Details, Sheet 2 of 4.pdf (726.38 Kb)
- OSR-WMC-ZZ-GF-DR-C-3323 Watermain Construction Details, Sheet 3 of 4.pdf (497.11 Kb)
- OSR-WMC-ZZ-GF-DR-C-3324 Watermain Construction Details, Sheet 4 of 4.pdf (549.51 Kb)
- Thumbs.db (26.5 Kb)